International projects

Our international cooperation consists of international projects, EU networks,
participation in international organizations and working groups. We also implement projects supported by EU programmes, such as Erasmus, NExt Generation EU, and the European Social Fund.

We are open to a new cooperation in our topics in form of inovation, implementation, study visits or traineeship. 


Europass makes your education, qualifications and skills clear and understandable in your country and Europe. 

Europass offers free services to help you build your CV, cover letter and a whole portfolio of your accomplishments. In that way, you can clearly present and demonstrate your knowledge and skills when looking for a job, a part-time job or further studies at home or abroad. There is also detailed advice, tips and examples on what a CV and portfolio should look like. 


The EQF helps the understanding, comparison and recognition of the EU qualifications. 

We make it easier for you to travel abroad for work and study. The eight levels of the EQF describe the knowledge and skills achieved in your qualifications. Their description is based on the assignment of Czech qualifications to the EQF so that they are unified and comparable across the EU. The qualification level is stated on graduation and VET certificates and tertiary professional school diplomas. 


We deal with European cooperation in career guidance / counselling and education, with methodological support for career counsellors and other staff. 

We support the development of career counselling and education in Europe and facilitate the exchange of experience and good practice between EU countries. In the Euroguidance Centre, we focus on methodological support for career counsellors, teachers etc. We organise the National Career Guidance Award, information and training activities at national and European level. 


We support schools and their social partners in ensuring the quality of vocational education. 

EQAVET is the European Quality Assurance Reference Framework for Vocational Education and Training. It means that we identify those quality elements in education at European level that can be implemented in the Czech environment, in cooperation with experts in vocational education. In this way we help schools, employers and all those involved in vocational education to document, develop, monitor, evaluate and improve the quality of vocational education. 


We connect actors in the field of adult education and learning, share examples of good practice and promote lifelong learning. 

We represent the Czech Republic in the European network of national coordinators for adult learning. The role of the coordinators is to promote synergies between actors dealing with adult learning and education, to bring knowledge from abroad and raise awareness of adult learning. This is done through the two-year European Agenda for Adult Learning (EAAL) project.


We are the Czech National Coalition for Digital Skills and Jobs. We are primarily involved in digital education. 

As a platform open to any organisation that shares the ideas of our memorandum, we connect actors in the field of digital education. We want to support the mission of DigiKoalice as a platform for spreading positive changes in access to digital technologies, but with an emphasis on the correct application and didactic embedding of the desired changes. 

We are part of a network of national coalitions in the EU and a national partner of the Digital Skills and Jobs Platform


We provide validated data as the basis for Cedefop reports and analyses on vocational training systems and trends in Europe. 

ReferNet is the European information network on vocational training. It maps and analyses the situation and developments in vocational training in the Czech Republic and Europe on a long-term basis. It collects and compares data that is used by national policy makers, public authorities, the Ministry of Education and professional public. It also informs the public about activities and publications of Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training. 


We are engaged in supporting the system environment (NSK) in continuing professional development and implementing the 2nd cycle of the international PIAAC research. 

We want to support and complement the existing systemic elements that enable the deepening of adult competencies in continuing professional development in the Czech Republic. We are optimising the network of authorised persons and setting up mechanisms for its coordination. We are developing training programmes for acquiring digital competencies and implementing the 2nd cycle of the PIAAC survey


The task of the Centre of Practice Enterprises – CEFIF is to coordinate the activities of the network of practice enterprises in the Czech Republic, provide support and advice to students and teachers working in fictitious companies and represent Czech companies abroad. 
Member of PEN Worldwide network.

International partners and networks: