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Join us for the international conference in Pilsen on educating pupils and students in an entertaining way. The main topics will be Generation Z, its strengths and needs, mindset and motivation of pupils and teachers, wellbeing and working with gifted children within a heterogeneous collective.    

The conference offers a selection of interactive workshops, discussions and lectures.  You can also look forward to a discussion with speakers, teachers, experts and actors from nonformal education and gifted pupils from the Pilsen region who are involved in the preparation and content of the conference.   

Skills gained in formal and nonformal education are important in long-term development and addressing the demands of labour market. This topic does not resonate only in our region, but also in other parts of the EU. That is why we registered this event as a part of the European Year of Skills

Wed-Thu 12th –13th June 2024 

Cultural Centre, SOU Elektrotechnické Plzeň, Vejprnická 56, 318 00 Pilsen , Czech Republic 

Form of the event 
On-site attendance 

150 participants 

Register at:  

This event is packed with great topics and even greater speakers! 

The first day, Members of the Student Parliament will discuss the future of education from their perspective, incl. their role in the process of changing the attitude and thinking in teaching approaches. Furthermore, teachers will share their experience and practical examples from fields of science, history, media or wellbeing.   

The second day will revolve around skills for life acquired in formal and non-formal education, and the experiences of our guests (both local and from abroad), and around the trends required by today's and tomorrow's world. More focus will be put on wellbeing, work with gifted students or gamification and effective learning methods. New technologies, experiential learning or financial literacy go hand-in-hand with the Gen Z and cannot be left out. And last but not least, Europass will be presented as a useful tool for recording all skills, including those acquired outside of schools. 

 The conference is organized in cooperation with Radovánek Leisure Time Centre under the auspices of the Pilsen Region and the European Year of Skills.

Irena Palánová and Lenka Crouchley